IVF after our last ectopic loss ? anything helps
IVF after our last ectopic loss ? anything helps
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Days to go
Shannon Sweeney is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hello all you beautiful souls ? I was hoping and praying I would never have to come and make an IVF or infertility fundraiser 🙁 we tried our best to go about it without asking for any help but we are at the point now where unfortunately our last IVF embryo transfer ended up in a very serious ectopic pregnancy loss it’s done a serious number on my wife and I this happened August 26th of this year we were so over the moon and delighted that we finally had our miracle after many many losses and it’s only find out that I had to basically miscarry my baby bye and injection ? I have definitely taken the past month or so mentally and physically to try to get myself back to where I need to be to get back on this journey me and my wife have been happily married for 6 years we have been trying for four we are a same-sex couple so it does make things a little bit more complicated we cannot just naturally try at home we need some sort of donor no matter what ? we had just spent over $20,000 on IVF with medications with extra treatments needed acupuncture etc it’s so sad how expensive this journey has to be for two married women that want this more than anything in their life I know there’s many many couples on here that deserve the help just as much as us but as I’m here to support others as well I figured I would share my journey and see where it goes thank you for reading my story and even your prayers mean the most they will not give up one way or another we will meet our rainbow baby ??❤️ prayers and blessings to all xx + ( ty if you do donate in advance means everything)!
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Shannon Sweeney is organizing this fundraiser.